Documents Required For Australian Tourist Visa

Australia is a beautiful country with a diverse range of attractions that appeal to tourists from around the world. If you’re planning to visit Australia as a tourist, you may need to obtain an Australian tourist visa. In this article, we’ll discuss the documents required for an Australian tourist visa.

  1. Valid Passport

The first and most important document required for an Australian tourist visa is a valid passport. The passport should be valid for at least six months beyond the intended period of stay in Australia.

  1. Visa Application Form

The next document required is a completed visa application form. The visa application form can be obtained online from the Australian government’s website. You’ll need to provide your personal information, travel details, and answer questions related to your health and criminal history.

  1. Passport-Sized Photograph

A recent passport-sized photograph is also required to be submitted with the visa application form. The photograph should be in color and taken against a plain white background.

  1. Proof of Financial Support

You’ll need to provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Australia. This could include bank statements, income tax returns, or evidence of employment.

  1. Travel Itinerary

You’ll need to provide a detailed travel itinerary that outlines your planned activities and destinations in Australia. This could include flight tickets, hotel bookings, and tour packages.

  1. Letter of Invitation (if applicable)

If you’re staying with a friend or family member in Australia, you may need to provide a letter of invitation from them. The letter should include details about the nature of your relationship, the purpose of your visit, and the dates of your stay.

  1. Health and Character Documents

You may need to provide health and character documents, depending on your personal circumstances. For example, if you’ve had a significant medical condition or a criminal history, you may need to provide additional documents.


Obtaining an Australian tourist visa requires the submission of several documents. By providing all the necessary documents and following the application process, you can increase your chances of obtaining an Australian tourist visa and enjoying all that this beautiful country has to offer. Be sure to allow sufficient time for visa processing and check the current visa requirements on the Australian government’s website before applying.

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